Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Anabolic Steroids are Ruining Major League Baseball Essay

Major League Baseball (MLB) has widely been regarded as America’s pastime for the longest time, however it is now becoming known as the sport tainted by one thing, anabolic steroids. An anabolic steroid is related to the natural steroid, testosterone. They are able to stimulate growth in the muscle tissue. They usually increase muscle mass and strength. The MLB has created some of the most historic American icons, such as Babe Ruth and Ted Williams. Players like them showed us what it was like to play baseball the right way. They played with passion, heart, and above all they had fun playing. Players today in the MLB focus way too much on becoming the best player ever to play. They see what the greats did before them and they want to match†¦show more content†¦The current policy was passed in 2005 and modified in 2009, where it was ratified by the 30 MLB clubs and also passed by the players union. The policy has three parts to it. First being banned substances, which include all steroids, steroid precursors, and designer steroids, masking agents, and diuretics. Secondly, it sets the testing policy for every MLB player. It calls for one random test during each offseason, random testing for selected players, with no maximum number, and during season play (Spring Training through the Regular Season) all players will be tested randomly at unannounced times for steroid use. The number of tests and who gets tested for anabolic steroids is determined by the HPAC. The HPAC is made up four people, one attorney from the union, one attorney from the MLB, and two medical representatives selected by both sides. During the testing, players are asked to wash and dry their hands and urinate into three specimen cups. The player urinates and carries the sample to the processing table under supervision from the collector. When the results comeback anything will be considered positive if any substance identified is on the list of banned substances, a player refuses to take the test, or if a player attempts to substitute or change the specimen. If a player tests positive for an anabolic steroid, they will be given a suspension that is handed down by the commissioner, Bud Selig. IfShow MoreRelatedAnabolic Steroids in Major League Baseball Essay1824 Words   |  8 PagesMajor League Baseball’s (MLB) commissioners are debating about the anabolic steroids situation that is occurring in professional baseball today. To many professionals are getting accused of using the harmful drug. Professional baseball players are getting tested twice a year for anabolic substances throughout the course of the regular season. In order to stop steroids in MLB, commissioners should pass random drug testing. 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